Energy system evolution challenges

CSD&M 2020

Energy system evolution challenges

Richard Schomberg – EDF Group
Richard Schomberg is IEC Ambassador for Smart Energy. Recipient of the IEC 2011 Lord Kelvin award, he designed multimillion euros complex systems for critical operations. He has been Professor of System Engineering at Supelec (Paris), Chair of the Intelligrid Strategy Committee (Electric Power Research Institute – recipient of the Chauncey Starr Award 2005). He has been member of the Technology Advisory Board of Southern California Edison, emeritus member of the US DoE Gridwise Architecture Council. He had the responsibility of EDF R&D activities in North America (strategic partnerships with scientific/industrial players), sourcing and transferring innovations to EDF Group in Europe. He is currently in charge of strategy and Smart Energy Standardization activities coordination across EDF.

Energy systems inevitably change and develop over time; the systems of today are the result of many years of incremental development. To be able to live sustainably, we need to drastically reduce our fossil fuel consumption worldwide by improving end-use efficiency, conversion efficiency and by introducing renewable resources. The energy transition requires new systems, new technology, new and expanded networks, new storage systems. Inevitably, these require investments – in equipment, but also in education, knowledge, to teach people how to build and use them.

The energy transition decision-making process involves many players, who consider the legacy systems, evaluate barriers and make trade-offs.

  • We need to transform our energy systems. Why does this present such a challenge?
  • How large World Energy players like EDF are contributing and leading the transition?