Systems Engineering approach for EPR NM Nuclear Power Plant Basic Design project

CSD&M 2017

Systems Engineering approach for EPR NM Nuclear Power Plant Basic Design project

Christian Blanchet, Martine Klein-Jaby, Olivier Dessoude, Simone Bergamo, Robin Delserieys, Gabriel Oblin, Karim Aabadi, Bruno Pentori de Peretti, Nicolas Verdiere and Alexandra Krings – AREVA NP & EDF

EDF and AREVA NP have launched in 2015 the Basic Design of a new Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) called EPR NM, a generation 3 NPP, evolution of EPR, aiming at being a competitive product for the French NPP fleet renewal. To improve competitiveness, it was decided to undertake a joint collaborative design within the frame of a Systems Engineering (SE) approach. This paper gives an overview of what is deployed with respect to SE, based on ISO 15288 technical processes and illustrates how SE processes, methods and tools will help master the product complexity along the project lifecycle. The paper also gives an overview and key points of the companies’ transformation project that was required to implement SE approach in a NPP design project for the first time.

To scroll through the slides use the toolbar at the bottom of the presentation.

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