Verification of BPMN Models

CSD&M 2019

Models of complex systems and systems of systems are described with NAF (NATO Architecture Framework) or DoDAF (DoD Architecture Framework). Business Process Model Notation (BPMN) is part of NAF and allows describing the behavior of the different participants in the model. This notation is used by the French Army as well as its main suppliers to describe the interactions between participants involved in a mission. It is therefore important the models are correct.

The VeriMoB project is a research project financed by the DGA (Direction Générale de l’Armement) in collaboration with Eurocontrol and Airbus DS who provided some real use cases. The project aims at developing a tool that will help users to verify their BPMN models. This tool covers three main aspects: a static verification, an interactive execution, an automatic exploration of the possible scenarios. This paper will present the results from this project.

Speaker: Emmanuel Gaudin & Mihal Brumbulli, Pragmadev

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