[FR] L’impression 3D metallique, une nouvelle façon de produire digital & big data native

AddUp was born in 2016 from the desire of two major French industrial groups, Michelin and Fives, to create an important player in the field of metal additive manufacturing. The AddUp Group offers a catalogue of multi-technology production systems, which includes the FormUp® range (robust and open PBF machines, available with multiple spreading devices) as well as the Magic and Modulo lines (industrial DED machines). AddUp is one of the largest design and production office in Europe, the group has a multi-technological, multi-supplier and multi-material production platform, which allows customers to have parts manufactured on demand, for small and medium series, and to order studies to choose the best technology for their application. To support its activities parts & machine supplier based on new technologies, AddUp develops digital tools able to handle massive manufacturing data taking into account all aspect, security, exploration, data learning at machine level but also more widely at workshop, and finally during all parts/machine lifecycle. These challenges will be presented...
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