Insights on trusted and safe AI

CSD&M 2020
As artificial intelligence becomes more sophisticated, uses for the technology will proliferate and expand into totally new areas. AI has already made inroads into consumer goods, and industrial companies are now looking to the technology to bring major improvements to their products and systems. These opportunities are not without risk, however. AI raises serious questions about trust, sovereignty, and responsibility to people, property, and society. The European Union issued a white paper, On Artificial Intelligence - A European approach to excellence and trust, outlining the bloc’s approach to AI. For safe, secure AI to become a reality, data ownership and confidentiality must be protected. The French government is addressing these challenges with initiatives like AI for Humanity and the dedicated “Great challenge on trustworthly AI” supporting the launch of a very ambitious program,, with national level major industrial players in the fields of Automotive, Aeronautics, Defense, Manufacturing and Energy...
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