Autonomous driving : a major disruption for automotive industry

CSD&M 2017

Autonomous driving : a major disruption for automotive industry

Rémi Bastien | VP Automotive Prospective, Renault Group
Dipl.-Engineer, Remi Bastien is Vice President for Automotive Prospective at Renault Groupe, reporting to the EVP engineering.

He joined Renault in 1982, where his areas of responsibilities increased to include powertrain engineering on environment, performance and electronics until 2002.

As Vice President (2002-07), he was in charge of EMS development and calibration for powertrain, later becoming Deputy to the SVP for powertrain engineering until 2008. He was Chairman of Electronic and Automatism of the RENAULT network (2006-09 cross functional responsibility)

He became Vice President for Research and Innovation for RENAULT Group (2009-15), before becoming Global Director for Autonomous Driving Prospective at the Renault/Nissan Alliance (2015-16).

He is Chairman of VEDECOM (French cooperative research institute), Delegate general and Treasurer of FISITA, Member of the Automotive Research Council of the French Automotive Platform and also Member of the EUCAR council (former chairman in 2012).

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