12 & 13 December 2024


An event organized by CESAM Community


Submission procedure

Conference language

The official language of the conference will be English, which is also mandatory for the final papers published in proceedings.

Conference topics

Scientific and technical topics: Systems fundamentals, requirements engineering, systems architecture / design definition, MBSE, Human-Systems Integration, Information Management, Project planning / assessment, Systems metrics, Systems properties, Systems analysis tools.

Systems types: Product-Service Systems Engineering, Embedded systems, Transportation systems, Software systems, Information systems, Systems of systems, Artificial eco-systems.

Evaluation & Acceptance Processes

Two categories of submissions are available: scientific or industrial.

All papers have to be submitted through our electronic submission system “EasyChair”. The program committee reserves the right to redirect presentations towards the appropriate track if needed. Each submission will be subject to two referee reports under the responsability of two different members of the program committee.

Contributions will be accepted either for a 20-minute talk or for a poster workshop. One day of the conference CSD&M 2022 will be dedicated to this occasion.

Submission Process
If you are having difficulty submitting on Easychair, please contact me christophe.tilmont@cesames.net
  • Scientific submissions (scientific category)

Scientific contributions should present innovative methodological, technical or scientific results. These consist in a PDF (Word or LaTex) of 12 pages maximum. Scientific contributions can be accepted either for a 20-minute talk or for a poster workshop.

The scientific contributions accepted for a 20-minute talk or for the poster workshop will be published in the conference proceedings (full article for 20-minute talk authors and abstract for poster authors). At this stage, the document must necessarily be re-submitted according to specific style (if not done yet), which means a zip with a 12-page LaTex file and images apart or a 12-page Word file including images (see more details here below).

  • Industrial submissions (industrial category)

The aim of industrial contributions is to present good practices, feedbacks and case studies. An industrial submission consists in a 12-page (maximum) Latex or Word in PDF or in a 15-slide (maximum) PowerPoint presentation in PDF. Industrial contributions can be accepted either for a 20-minute talk or for a poster workshop.

Accepted industrial submissions in PowerPoint can be part of the conference proceedings only if the concerned authors transform their PowerPoint format into a 12-page Word or Latex version. The refereeing of such articles will be under the responsibility of the two program committee co-chairs, and will take place during the end of the selection process.

Abstract submission (optional) – March 25, 2024

Authors are invited to participate (on a voluntary basis) in a pre-submission scheme before March 25, 2024. They can submit their names & affiliations with the topics, keywords & abstract of the contribution they intend to submit at a later stage. Authors can indicate among the members of Program Committee, the most adequat referee if any (for optimizing evaluation management). Authors who only want to present a poster (not a talk) can precise this specificity at this stage.

(NEW) Paper Submission Deadline – May 13, 2024May 29, 2024

All authors must submit their papers through our electronic submission system before the deadline. No other submission process will be accepted. They can, as mentionned previously, submit their paper as a 12-page Word or LaTex or in a 15-slide PowerPoint. The maximum number of pages has to be respected.

Camera ready final paper for publication – July 12, August 19, 2024

After the results announcement June, 15 2024, July 16, 2024, the author of selected papers (i.e. full version of paper selected for a 20-min talk and abstract of paper selected for the Poster Workshop will both be published in the conference proceedings) will be called to re-submit a final version of their paper through EasyChair, mandatorily before August 19, 2024. Please arrange your paper in about 12 pages and re-submit it by special tunnel indicated in result announcement.

Also wishing to be part of the conference proceedings, authors of selected papers submitted in PowerPoint format (industrial contribution) are invited to transform their paper into a 12-page Word or LaTex document in order to re-submit it before August 1st (following the indication of result announcement).

For publication on the Conference proceedings Edition Springer, please produce your final version around 12 pages (in respecting reviews comments and the template here (in word format) or the template here (in LaTeX format) or abstract only then submit also your filled & signed agreement via your existing account of EasyChair CSDM2024.

For the copyright agreement, thank you to write:

  • Title of the Book or Conference Name: 15th Complex Systems Design & Management (CSD&M) conference

The conference proceedings are published by Springer Verlag and referenced by DBLP, SCOPUS, EI and ISI.