Challenges in the automotive sector for the next decade

CSD&M 2020

Challenges in the automotive sector for the next decade

Nadine Leclair – President FISITA
Nadine Leclair began her career at Sligos as a research engineer before joining Renault in 1984 as a CAD engineer. Her first experience in bodywork engineering was on the Safrane project in 1989, then on the Mégane 1 project. She was appointed Manager of VP Body-in-white Engineering in 1999, a position she held until 2005, when she became Technical Manager (CVE) for the Mégane Range. She was appointed in 2008 Vice President, Vehicle Engineering product & production engineering functions. She became Senior Vice President, Engineering Project on June 2013. From April 2015 to October 2020 Nadine Leclair has been Senior Vice President, Expert Fellow. She was a member of the Renault Management Committee since 2008.

The automotive sector will be transformed in the next decade as much as it has changed during the last thirty years. Indeed, the concomitant deployment of electric, connected and automonous technologies opens the floor for new vehicles and new types of mobility. Both faces of the automotive industry are impacted: on the one side, emerging technologies are pushed inside the vehicle and on the other side, new usages based on new society aspirations are pulling new needs of mobility (shared, usage-based, …). System thinking is mandatory to understand how the automotive eco system should transform itself to manage its business interaction with other eco systems (digital eco system, energetic eco system, mobility eco system). Based on the building blocks of the FISITA roadmap and her past experience as Expert Fellow for Renault Group, Nadine Leclair will share her vision of the challenges to come in the automotive sector.