The global need for smarter and more autonomous systems

CSD&M 2017

The global need for smarter and more autonomous systems

Carine Donzel-Defigier | Deputy Head, Aeronautic Industry Department and General Secretary of the Civil Drones Council, DGAC
After engineering studies, Ms Donzel-Defigier joined the French General Directorate for Civil Aviation (DGAC) as deputy head of the French airlines and public intervention office, the office in charge of French airlines’ economic regulation, leasing and code/share authorisations and managing Public Service Obligations (PSO) routes.

Then, she headed the office responsible for organising and coordinating the ramp inspections programs in France (SAFA/SACA/SANA), technically assessing third-country operators (TCO) and overseeing French operators’ management system (SMS, QMS) and co-responsible for managing the oversight programme of French airlines. She was France’s SAFA/SACA National Coordinator.

She is now deputy head of the aeronautic industry department, which defines and implements the French policy to support aeronautical research and development. She also coordinates, as general secretary, the work of the Civil drones council.

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