9th Edition
Products and Services Development
in a Digital World

Mastering complex engineered systems is a fundamental strategic challenge. Complex Systems Design & Management (CSD&M) conference is a widely open meeting event dedicated to academic researchers, industrial and governmental actors who are interested in complex industrial systems engineering. The event is not limited to the existing specialists of the subject!

The 2-day conference allows since 2010 to discover and share about theories, methods and tools that have been developed to allow to manage the increasing complexity of the technical systems you must design and implement.

Thanks to its past 8 editions, CSD&M has become the conference of reference in the field of complex industrial systems architecture & engineering.

In 2018, the event will be focused on “Products and Services Development in a Digital World”.



Plenary session

  • Yves Caseau, Group Chief Information Officer, Michelin  “Digital Transformation Through Information Systems”
  • Vincent Danos, Research Director at CNRS (The National Center for Scientific Research)  “Impacts between New Digital Technologies and Complex Systems”
  • Manfred Broy, Professor, Technical University Munchen
  • Come Berbain, Chief Technical Officer of the French State, DINSIC, “The Challenges of the Digital Transformation for the French State”

Startup Pitches (Be-Bound / Cil4Sys / DessIA Technologies / GeeGlee)

 Contributed Talks
Parallel session 1

  • Laurent Geneste, Ecole Nationale d’ingénieurs de Tarbes, “Knowledge Engineering Management”
  • Malik Khalfallah, Airbus Defense & Space, “Generation and Visualization of Release Notes for Systems Engineering Software”
  • Diana Sofia Melendez Gonzalez, AXSENS BTE, “Formalization and reuse of collaboration experiences in industrial processes”
  • Bryan Moser, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Analyzing Awareness, Decision, and Outcome Sequences of Project Design Groups: A Platform for Instrumentation of Workshop-based Experiments”
  • Jon Wade, Stevens Institute of Technology, “Systemic Design Engineering – Curriculum and Instructional Results”
  • Ira Winder and Lorena Pelegrin, MIT,   “Field guide to interpreting engineering team design behavior with sensor data”

Parallel session 2

  • David Gouyon, Université de Lorraine, “Model-Based Systems Engineering”
  • Joseph Razavi, The University of Manchester, “Formal Methods in Systems Integration: Deployment of Formal Techniques in INSPEX”
  • Dominique Ernadote, Airbus Defence & Space, “Ontology-Based Optimization for Systems Engineering”
  • Marco Ferrogalini, Bombardier Transportation & Thomas Linke, Knorr Bremse, “How to boost the extended enterprise approach in engineering using MBSE – a case study from the railway business”
  • Raphael Faudou & Jean-Marie Gauthier, Samares Engineering, “An MBSE Framework to support Agile Functional Definition of an Avionics System”
  • Quentin Wu, Zodiac Aero Electric,  “A review of Know-How reuse with patterns in Model-Based Systems Engineering”

Track Methods and Tools

  • Martin Neff, Chief Architect Systems Engineering, Audi
  • Marie Capron, Engagement Manager & System Engineering, Sogeti High Tech
  • Eliane Fourgeau, Systems Director, Dassault Systemes, “MBSE: what else ?”

Track Design, Manufacture and Operation

  • Yann Bouju, Project Manager, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Naval Group
  • Jean-Marie Saint-Paul, CEO and Managing Director, Siemens PLM Software,  “Innovation without Boundaries”
  • Olivier Flous, Vice President Digital Transformation, Thales Digital factory, “How the Digital Factory accelerate the digital transformation of Thales ?”

Plenary session

  • Yves Marc Fontaine, Head of Digital Transformation, Airbus,  “Impacts of the Digital Transformation on Industrial Strategies & Business Models”
  • Christophe Moreau, Train System, Train Electrical & Validation Director, Alstom
  • Hervé Gilibert, Chief Technical Officer & Quality, ArianeGroup )  “Overview of Ariane 6 programme digitized engineering & production”
  • Paul Schreinemakers, EMEA Sector Director, INCOSE

 Contributed Talks
Parallel session 1: Transportation & Mobility track

  • Stéphane Callet, Project Manager & System Engineer & Jean-Baptiste Moussalem, System and Integration Engineer, SNCF Reseau
  • Jean Leflour, Senior Vice President Architecture Vehicules et Services Connectes, PSA
  • Stéphane Guignard, VP operations South Europe, Aras “The race to reinvent the process for developing connected and autonomous vehicles”

Parallel session 2: Aeronautics track

  • Thierry Chevalier, Head of Digital Design Manufacturing Thrust, Airbus,  “Develop, Manufacture And Service Aircrafts In The Digital Age”
  • Alain Huet, Head of System Engineering Solutions, ArianeGroup
  • Yann Lebeaupin, Chief Technical Officer, Sodius, “SECollab, Review and Traceability Platform”

Parallel session 3: Energy track

  • Isabelle Moretti, Chief Scientific Officer, Engie
  • Guillaume Brecq, Product Owner, Engie
  • Xavier Dorel, Systems Engineering Expert, Schneider Electric, “Schneider-Electric Framework for Model Based Systems Engineering using Cameo Systems Modeler”

Parallel session 4: Healthcare services track

  • Philippe Baron, Chief Executive Officer, AxDaNe (ADN)
  • Fabrice Lejay,R&D High product line Manager, Stago
  • >Etienne Juliot, Vice President, Obeo,  “How MBSE can make real the Digital Thread thanks to System Modeling Workbench?”

Parallel session 5: Industry 4.0

  • Christoph Binder, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, “Towards a Standards-Based Domain Specific Language for Industry 4.0 Architectures”
  • Emile van Gerwen, ESI, “Tracking Dynamics in Concurrent Digital Twins”
  • Lara Qasim, Thales Group, “Model-based system reconfiguration: a descriptive study of current industrial challenges”

Parallel session 6: Systems Engineering

  • Alan Guegan, Sirehna & Aymeric Bonnaud, Naval Group, “Assessing the maturity of interface design”
  • Matthew Potts, University of Bristol,  “Through a Glass, Darkly? Taking a Network Perspective on System-of-Systems Architectures”
  • Katja Schuitemaker, University of Twente,  “Safety Architecture Overview Framework for the prediction, explanation and control of risks of ERTMS”

Parallel session 7: Industrial feedback

  • Stephanie Bouffet-Bellaud, ArianeGroup, “On-Time-Launch capability for Ariane 6 Launch System”
  • Aurelijus Morkevicius, No Magic, “Applying Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) for Systems of Systems Architectures”
  • Richard Doornbos, ESI, “A Domain Model-Centric Approach for the Development of Large-Scale Office Lighting Systems”
CESAM Community regularly organizes eventsOur events


From document centric approach to MBSE approach: BPMN, UML, SysML and wire framing implementation

David Schumacher

Towards a better modelling and assessment of project management maturity in Industry 4.0

Felipe Sanchez, Monticolo Davy, Eric Bonjour and Jean Pierre Micaelli

Integrated framework for design and testing of software for automotive mechatronic systems

Nick Van Kelecom, Timothy Verstraete, Sam Silverans and Mathieu Dutré

Complex Systems Engineering Approach for condition monitoring & Predictive maintenance for the Digital Transformation: integration into Mining Industry Control Systems

Mariya Guerroum, Ali El-Alaoui, Laurent Deshayes, Mourad Zegrari, Janah Saadi and Hicham Medroumi

Cyber Physical Systems real time and interactive Testing and Governance

Sara Sadvandi, Franck Corbier and Eric Mevel

Machine-executable Model-based Systems Engineering with design languages

Benedikt Walter, Dennis Kaiser and Stephan Rudolph

Cyber-physical system modeling using a case study

Sara Mallah, Oualid Kamach and Laurent Deshayes

Understand Corporate culture for a better Steering Model

Paul Maitre

An automotive MBSE case study: an interdisciplinary role based design with 3DEXPERIENCE Platform and MagicDraw

Gauthier Fanmuy and Darius Petrauskas

The Systems Engineering Concept – A practical hands-on approach to SE

Henrik Balslev

Model-based Co-creation of Strategy and Implementation for Maritime Industry

Yuhei Hata, Takashi Danno, Kei Sugimoto, Tatsuya Kaneko, Marc-Andre Chavy-Macdonald and Bryan R. Moser

The SERC 5-Year Technical Plan: Designing the Future of Systems Engineering Research

Jon Wade, Dinesh Verma, Thomas McDermott and Barry Boehm

Building Information Modeling (BIM)-Enabled Digital Transformation for Airport Life Cycle Management

Basak Keskin


The CSD&M Conference is chaired by one keynote Chairman and is also based on the involvment of many Committee Members that you can discover more precisely below.

  • The Organizing Committee is in charge of defining the agenda/program of the conference, identifying Keynote Speakers and has to ensure the functioning of the event (sponsoring, communication…).

  • The Program Committee consists of about 20 members (mixed of experts from academic, industrial and governmental institutions) of high international visibility. Their expertise spectrum covers all the conference topics. This committee is in charge of assessing submitted papers and of selecting the ones that will be presented during the contributed talks sessions or during the poster workshop.

General Chair
Prof. Daniel KROB, CESAMES, France

François STEPHAN
, Be-Bound, France


Academic Members:

, Université de Lorraine, France


Industrial Members:

Luca PALLADINO, Safran, France



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