CESAM Systems Architecting Method

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0.1 CESAM: a Mathematically Sound System Modeling Framework
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Appendix C – Some Systems Modeling Good Practices
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Appendix B – Classical Engineering Issues
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Appendix A – System Temporal Logic
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0.2 CESAM: a Framework focused on Complex Integrated Systems
A second key point to stress is that CESAMES Systems Architecting Method (CESAM) is fundamentally a complex integrated systems-oriented framework. This means that CESAM is especially dedicated and adapted to the architecting and modelling of complex systems, that is to...
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0.3 CESAM: a Collaboration-oriented Architecting Framework
CESAM is however not only a mathematically sound system modeling framework, specifically focused on complex integrated systems. It is also an architecting framework which means that it is intended to efficiently support all the design decisions that a systems architect...
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0.4 CESAM: a Business-oriented Framework
Let us finally also stress on the fact that CESAM is also a business-oriented framework. As already pointed out, the CESAM framework was indeed used in many applications. In order to contribute to the quality increasing of systems projects, which...
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1.1 Product and Project Systems
Before going further, we need first to introduce a distinction that will be fundamental to understand better both what is systems architecting and how to read many classical engineering issues. It indeed appears that all engineered systems are always involving...
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1.2 The Complexity Threshold
At this stage, it is now time to explain more precisely what “systems complexity” is and how it is connected with systems architecting. An element of answer is provided by the Constructive Systems Engineering Cost Model. This cost model –...
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1.3 Addressing Systems Architecting becomes Key
Due to that complexity threshold as presented in section 1.2, which is – in our understanding – the root cause of most engineering issues observed in complex systems development (we here refer to Appendix B for more details), addressing systems...
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