A method, certifications, events

CESAM community

The community

CESAM Community is developed by CESAMES since 2010. Its goal is to share best practices in Enterprise Architecture and System Architecture. Through the CESAM certification, it attests to the capacity of the players to implement these good practices.

Proposing an architectural framework

To propose a generic architecture framework but also, progressively, to offer high-level system architecture frameworks, specific to industrial application domains. This is to facilitate the work of system architects within these activities.

Facilitating access to the CESAM method

Facilitate access to the CESAM method, and develop its use in France and internationally.

Developing best practices

To propose and develop best practices of systems architecture in industry and services through the sharing of feedback between French and international architects, systems engineers during community events.

Making architecture a key tool

To make architecture a key tool for the competitiveness of companies by disseminating its use in companies and communicating the results of its implementation through the visibility and actions of CESAM Community.

Number 1 around the MBSE

Background SA Day

CESAMES has built the largest community in the world around the MBSE. It has the support of major academic, institutional and professional partners.

Professionals trained or certified at the CESAM method
Professionals gathered on our networks
The events

15th CSD&M Paris

CSD&M is an international conference related to the design and control of large complex industrial systems. The talks are organized around invited presentations.

See CSD&M 2024
salle CSD&M Paris

The ‘Cercle CESAM’ is a working group whose aim is to develop and share a pragmatic international standard for system architecture and to define it by major industrial domain. For the business benefit of its members.

Today, the ‘Cercle CESAM’ has about fifteen members, including Framatome, Sagemcom, Safran (SHE, SAE, SED), Dassault Systèmes, Idemia, Airbus and Somfy.

The 2 axes of work of the group are : Method and tools (formalise and share applications of the CESAM method by major sectoral fields (case studies, good practices, tooling methods, etc.)) and Professionalisation (to contribute to the professionalisation of the systems architect profession in order to enhance the value of architects within their organisations).