The CESAM “Systems Architect” skills enhancement pathway certifies the ability to implement system architecture or enterprise architecture methods in a professional situation, which are key tools for the competitiveness of organisations. This CESAM certification path is based on the CESAM Pocket Guide and on the “System Architect” skills repository, which covers all our certification paths in system architecture and enterprise architecture.

Leads to the title of “System Architect” –
whatever the path – which covers the associated skills repository

- If you are starting (or want to start) to practice systems architecture, then the CESAM Associate level is for you.
- If you have been working on system architecture or enterprise architecture assignments for at least 3 years, and you wish to validate your acquired skills (VAE) or specialise and consolidate your expertise, then CESAM Confirmed is the right certification for you.
- If you are an expert in the field of system architecture or enterprise architecture, with more than 15 years of experience and implementation of these techniques, then the CESAM Expert level is for you.


I can adapt CESAM to different contexts
Prerequisites: > 15 years experience in systems architecture
Assessment:Present your experience in front of a jury of CESAM experts

I have used CESAM in a professional context
Prerequisites: Follow a system architecture training course allowing to put into practice the blocks of competences of the system architect OR validate his professional experience (VAE)
Assessment:Present a dossier covering your skills to a jury

I have read and understood the CESAM method
Prerequisites: Having read and understood the CESAM Pocket Guide and/or having followed an introductory course on system architecture and the CESAM architecture method
Assessment:30 out of 40 correct answers to the online MCQ on Architecture practices

Raising awareness of system architecture and engineering among technical directors and managers
- Have your skills and expertise recognized by your company and the market, in France and in Europe
- Boost your career, make it easier for you to get hired by the many large groups that already practice systems architecture and engineering
- Be part of a community with high added value to share good practices, meet peers, exchange and network (via CESAM Community)
- At a higher level of maturity (Expert), being an actor in the implementation of new sectoral practices
- Qualified and rapidly operational resources
- Qualified and rapidly operational subcontractors
- Achieve a better design and development of your complex projects
- A certification recognised by the whole professional community in architecture & systems engineering
- A framework used by the major professional actors to promote employability
- A multi-level course adapted to all maturities
- A community with high added value that promotes the sharing of good practices and highlights its certified (to be certified CESAM allows to have reduction to participate in the events of the community)
- The implementation of our certification path allows to promote the development of skills in systems architecture and engineering and to motivate employees
- Having the right resources to develop and make complex systems evolve in order to provide cost effective and efficient solutions to the needs and constraints of its stakeholders
- Demonstrate factually to third parties the ability of its staff to implement a rigorous and comprehensive systems architecture method