Offer elaboration and selection under uncertainty using a multi-criteria approach in a bidding process

CSD&M 2017

Thierry Coudert / ENIT

In a bidding process, bidders have to define and estimate potential solutions relevant to the customer’s requirements. Afterward, based on several criteria (e.g. cost, due date), they have to select the most interesting solution to be sent as an offer to the customer. However, the lack of complete and accurate information makes the estimation imprecise and uncertain. Therefore, in order to help the bidders to select the most interesting solution, a multi-criteria decision making approach that takes into account imprecisions and uncertainties is required. In this paper, we propose a method based on two kinds of dominance relations. First, based on the possibility theory, a mono-Criterion Dominance Relation (mono-CDR) is established between each pair of solutions. Then, based on the mono-CDR, the multi-Criteria Dominance Relation (multi-CDR) is defined and the Pareto front, which takes into account imprecisions and uncertainties, is determined. An illustrative application is performed in order to show the applicability and effectiveness of the approach.


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