CSD&M 2017 Paris

System of System engineering and continuous architecture
Systems of systems raise many challenges as they seek to provide additional capabilities through the interoperability of existing autonomous systems. . How adding capabilities without breaking the existing independent ones? . How shared management shall be organized? . How enough...
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Direct democracy as the keystone of smart city governance as a complex system
We consider the smart city not as an addition of « smarties » (technological devices) but as a system capable of evolution all along its lifecycle, described as Urban Lifecycle Management (Rochet 2015) since a city never dies and must...
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Managing an Industrial Software Rearchitecting Project With Source Code Labelling
Legacy software systems are valuable assets for organisations. From time to time, renewing legacy software system architecture becomes necessary in order to offer them a new future. Rearchitecting a complex legacy software system is a difficult task. It involves understanding...
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Hidden Structures: Using Graph Theory to Explore Complex System of Systems Architectures
The increasing interconnectivity of complex engineered system of systems (SoS) leads to difficulties ensuring systems architectures are of sufficient quality (availability, maintainability, reliability, etc.). Typically reductionist approaches are used during systems architecting which may fail to provide the desired insights...
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Offer elaboration and selection under uncertainty using a multi-criteria approach in a bidding process
In a bidding process, bidders have to define and estimate potential solutions relevant to the customer’s requirements. Afterward, based on several criteria (e.g. cost, due date), they have to select the most interesting solution to be sent as an offer...
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Definition and verification of functional safety concepts for the definition of safe logical architectures
Evolving customer expectations, particularly growing concerns for safety, and the development of autonomous vehicles imply the development of many interconnected functions. To meet the expectations of system performances and to respect safety standards like ISO 26262, systems engineering and safety...
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The Maritime Journey Towards Autonomy
Anita Teo is the System Design Technical Lead responsible for design methods and standards related to Maritime Remote and Autonomous Systems. She has held various industry technical and strategic roles in her career across a number of sectors including maritime,...
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Model based Engineering in the age of EXPERIENCE
Innovation in the age of Experience means transformations: on product platforms to become business platforms, on engineering to broaden the scope to Systems thinking, accommodating agility, open collaborative efficiency and scalability to new domains and technologies. We will present an...
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Integrating MBSE and PLM by Aras
While MBSE methodologies are critical to management of today’s system complexities at the system architecture level, it is the integration of MBSE with PLM that allows the benefits of MBSE to be fully exploited throughout detail design and subsequent lifecycle...
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What is the future of engineering for a connected world?
Hidekazu Nishimura is a Professor at the Graduate School of System Design and Management at Keio University, where he leads and supports systems engineering activities of companies in Japan. His research focus is on systems safety and automated driving systems...
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