CESAM Systems Architecting Method

1.4 The Value of Systems Architecting
To complete our discussion on systems architecting, let us now focus on the value brought by this discipline, which was in particular quite well analyzed by Honour in. The key point to understand is that the systems engineering approach in...
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1.5 The key Role of Systems Architects
Systems architecting would of course not exist without the right key people, i.e. systems architects, to support the architectural process! The systems architect shall indeed fundamentally be the core responsible of the systems integration issues. He/she shall thus ensure that...
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1.6 How to Analyze a Systems Architect Profile ?
To conclude this chapter, we will briefly present the key characteristics of an (ideal) systems architect profile. Such profiles are indeed quite rare and always difficult to find as a matter of fact. Having some clues on that still poorly...
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2.1 Elements of Systemics
Before going further, we first need to introduce the notions of interface and of system environment. These elements of systemics will indeed be useful for presenting further the CESAM framework. We refer to Definition 0.1 and Definition 0.2 of Section...
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2.2 The three Architectural Visions (1/2)
We are now in position to introduce the three systems architectural visions which will be our first key systems architecting tool for analyzing any system.. The heterogeneity of the environment of a system requires to address it by means of...
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2.2 The three Architectural Visions (2/2)
The constructional vision provides white box models of the system where one describes all concrete hardware, software and “humanware” components of a system with their interactions. Its core motivation is to elicit in that way the concrete structure – that...
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2.3 CESAM Systems Architecture Pyramid
As discussed in the previous section, any system can be analyzed from an operational, functional and constructional perspective. In order to achieve such analyzes in practice, one must simply remember that one shall just ask three simple questionsThese questions shall...
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2.4 More Systems Architecture Dimensions (1/2)
Architectural visions are however not the only architectural dimensions of a system. We shall now introduce a number of new dimensions that can be used to refine each architectural vision. As already discussed in section 0.1, one must now recall...
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2.4 More Systems Architecture Dimensions (2/2)
The dynamic of a static element of a system S refers to its temporal behavior or equivalently to an algorithmic description of such a temporal behavior. Dynamics are completely crucial if one wants to precisely specify the behavior of any...
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2.5 CESAM Systems Architecture Matrix
We are now in position to introduce CESAM Systems Architecture Matrix, which is presented in Table 7 below. This matrix is just a synthesis of the different architectural dimensions that we introduced within this chapter. It indeed presents all the...
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