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- CSD&M Asia 2021
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- Systems architecture
Articles par catégorie
- Catégorie : AI
- Catégorie : CESAM Agility
- Catégorie : CESAM Systems Architecting Method
- 0.1 CESAM: a Mathematically Sound System Modeling Framework
- Appendix C – Some Systems Modeling Good Practices
- Appendix B – Classical Engineering Issues
- Appendix A – System Temporal Logic
- 0.2 CESAM: a Framework focused on Complex Integrated Systems
- 0.3 CESAM: a Collaboration-oriented Architecting Framework
- 0.4 CESAM: a Business-oriented Framework
- 1.1 Product and Project Systems
- 1.2 The Complexity Threshold
- 1.3 Addressing Systems Architecting becomes Key
- 1.4 The Value of Systems Architecting
- 1.5 The key Role of Systems Architects
- 1.6 How to Analyze a Systems Architect Profile ?
- 2.1 Elements of Systemics
- 2.2 The three Architectural Visions (1/2)
- 2.2 The three Architectural Visions (2/2)
- 2.3 CESAM Systems Architecture Pyramid
- 2.4 More Systems Architecture Dimensions (1/2)
- 2.4 More Systems Architecture Dimensions (2/2)
- 2.5 CESAM Systems Architecture Matrix
- 3.1 Why Identifying Stakeholders?
- 3.2 The key Deliverables of Environment Architecture
- 4.1 Why Understanding Interactions with Stakeholders?
- 4.2 The key Deliverables of Operational Architecture
- 5.1 Why Understanding What Does the System?
- 5.2 The key Deliverables of Functional Architecture
- 6.1 How to Understand How is Formed the System?
- 6.2 The key Deliverables of Constructional Architecture
- 7.1 Systems Architecting does usually not Lead to a Unique Solution
- 7.2 Trade-off Techniques
- Chapter 8 – Conclusion
- Catégorie : CSD&M
- Energy system evolution challenges
- Road to Digital
- A Multiobjective Systems Architecture Model for Sensor Selection in Autonomous Vehicle Navigation
- Gas Turbine Design at Rolls-Royce
- Autonomous vehicles: a game changer for urban mobility
- Autonomous driving : a major disruption for automotive industry
- Smart Energy: the world’s largest and most complex machine
- Risk management strategy for uncertain systems: Decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station
- Safe Automated Driving on Highways – Beyond Today’s Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
- Airbus Autonomy Roadmap
- The global need for smarter and more autonomous systems
- The trend towards autonomous systems
- Industrial Big Data Practice for Power Generation Plant Energy Efficiency Optimization
- Systems Engineering approach for EPR NM Nuclear Power Plant Basic Design project
- Formal Methods for Safe Autonomous Driving
- Software and AI-enabled networks: critical systems of the 21st century?
- A Review of Model-Based and Digital Engineering Research in front of the COVID-19 Challenge
- Managing the Complexity of Innovation – Medical Device Example
- Challenges in the automotive sector for the next decade
- Catégorie : CSD&M 2016 Paris
- Catégorie : CSD&M 2017 Paris
- System of System engineering and continuous architecture
- Direct democracy as the keystone of smart city governance as a complex system
- Managing an Industrial Software Rearchitecting Project With Source Code Labelling
- Hidden Structures: Using Graph Theory to Explore Complex System of Systems Architectures
- Offer elaboration and selection under uncertainty using a multi-criteria approach in a bidding process
- Definition and verification of functional safety concepts for the definition of safe logical architectures
- The Maritime Journey Towards Autonomy
- Model based Engineering in the age of EXPERIENCE
- Integrating MBSE and PLM by Aras
- What is the future of engineering for a connected world?
- Catégorie : CSD&M 2018 Paris
- Tracking Dynamics in Concurrent Digital Twins
- Through a Glass, Darkly? Taking a Network Perspective on System-of-Systems Architectures
- Safety Architecture Overview Framework for the prediction, explanation and control of risks of ERTMS
- Overview of Ariane 6 programme digitized engineering & production
- Innovation without Boundaries
- Impacts between New Digital Technologies and Complex Systems
- How to boost the extended enterprise approach in engineering using MBSE
- How MBSE can make real the Digital Thread thanks to System Modeling Workbench?
- Field guide to interpreting engineering team design behavior with sensor data
- Digital Transformation Through Information Systems
- Develop, Manufacture And Service Aircrafts In The Digital Age
- Assessing the maturity of interface design
- Analyzing Awareness, Decision, and Outcome Sequences of Project Design Groups
- A review of Know-How reuse with patterns in Model-Based Systems Engineering
- A Domain Model-Centric Approach for the Development of Large-Scale Office Lighting Systems
- Catégorie : CSD&M 2019 Paris
- Dynamic Disruption Simulation in Large-Scale Urban Rail Transit Systems
- Enterprise IT Architecture for Modeling Systems of Systems
- Ariane 6 Exploitation Data Management in an Extended Enterprise Context
- Modeling, Simulation and Visualization for quantum computing : Atos Quantum
- Paris 2024 Olympics Games Smart Athlete Transportation System
- System Engineering to deliver first FLNG
- Trustworthiness in Cyber-Physical Systems-of-Systems (SoS)
- Verification of BPMN Models
- Towards a Cross-Domain Modeling Approach in System-of-Systems Architectures
- Smart component modeling for complex system development
- Simulation architecture definition for complex systems design: A tooled methodology
- Managing the Complexity of Processing Financial Data at Scale – an Experience Report
- MAESTRIA: A New Tool to Support Collaborative Building and Sharing of an IVVQ Strategy
- Lightweight Requirements Modeling as an alternative to full-scale MBSE
- An Excel-based Systems-Engineering Tool for Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration across the Enterprise
- Catégorie : CSD&M 2020 Paris
- Catégorie : CSD&M 2022
- Catégorie : EA Day 2019
- Catégorie : Enterprise Architecture
- Catégorie : IEA Day 2022
- [FR] L’impression 3D metallique, une nouvelle façon de produire digital & big data native
- [FR] Industrie du futur – Vision de la transformation de l’industrie au niveau européen
- [FR] Automated quality inspection, the power of AI and Computer Vision to boost industrial performance
- [FR] Les nouvelles architectures d’automatisme : quel impact sur la cybersécurité ?
- [FR] La Cyber-Sécurité en environnement Industriel
- [FR] Digital twins of industrial assets: cost efficient and low risk implementation at scale
- Catégorie : Modeling tools
- Catégorie : SA Day 2021
- [FR] RETEX Evolution du métier Ingénieur Systèmes avec le MBSE à NEXTER
- [FR] Accéder à la donnée à travers un modèle ontologique
- [FR] Approche système de systèmes pour déjouer la transition énergétique
- [FR] REX du développement du MBSE à TechnicAtome et illustrations sur des projets prometteurs
- [FR] L’Ingénierie Système au cœur de la transformation d’ArianeGroup : organisation et programme de formation
- [FR] Ingénierie de Service & approche Product-System-Service
- [FR] ArianeGroup : Projet agile THEMIS
- [FR] Atelier de restitution du Cercle CESAM sur les missions de l’architecte
- [FR] Comment apporter une variabilité infinie dans un projet d’industrialisation ?
- [FR] Ingénierie système et développement durable
- Catégorie : The role of the architect
- Pour un architecte de ligne de produit, gérer le cycle de vie : Maintenance et évolution
- Pour un architecte de ligne de produit, gérer le cycle de vie : Création d’une ligne de produit
- Gérer les interfaces fonctionnelles et physiques, internes et externes
- Évaluer la conformité de l’architecture aux besoins prioritaires ou à valeur
- Évaluer la maturité de la définition de l’architecture
- Proposition, justification et choix des architectures concurrentes
- Modélisation du système et des chaînes de valeur dans l’architecture
- Concevoir un système qui répond aux besoins / contraintes des parties prenantes…
- Définir les usages
- Analyser les besoins du client et les décliner en exigences
- Capturer les besoins clients internes / externes et les consolider
- Partage de responsabilité entre l’architecte et le chef de projet
- Catégorie : WHITE PAPER
- Formation AS [format digital]
- IEA Day | Formule présentielle
- IEA Day | Formule en ligne
- IEA Day | Formule Membre